AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
Novell will be merging 3 forum sites (suseforums.net, suselinuxsupport.de and the openSUSE support forums at forums.novell.com) to a new official openSUSE Forums at forums.opensuse.org. This will give openSUSE users a one-stop shop for their problems and ideas.
As part of a Novell Open Audio series on openSUSE, they will be interviewing various openSUSE developers to find out more about the project, particular involvements and new technologies in the distribution. Today’s interview features a talk with Martin Lasarsch, an openSUSE evangelist.
It’s official: the openSUSE project Guiding Principles are now in force. The Guiding Principles are a framework for the project and give everyone a clear view of who we are, what we stand for, what the project wants and how it works. The Guiding Principles document was created by the openSUSE community and is embraced by Novell - the founder and largest sponsor of the openSUSE project.
You’re at the breaking point of what to do with your current openSUSE 10.x (hopefully at least 10.2) installation. You hear that openSUSE 11.0 is just about to come out, but why should you go from a .2/.3 release to a .0 release? Well here are some main reasons why
openSUSE is a free, open project. Although Novell sponsors it heavily, the project belongs to the openSUSE community. Things were not always this way; before Novell's acquisition of SuSE, SuSE internally managed the course of the distribution, with little input or participation from the user community.
To strengthen the openSUSE project we’re looking for an enthusiastic Chief Evangelist to: promote and spread the adoption of openSUSE; be a public face for the project on conferences and events; act as voice of the community back to Novell’s leadership team; develop and nurture the openSUSE communities; pro actively drive openSUSE marketing;