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A kind chap in the audience at LUGRadio Live 2007 filmed LUGRadio Live And Unleashed 2007 (our live show at LUGRadio Live) in its entirety and has uploaded it to blip.tv. It is great fun, and filled to the brim with discussion and amusing bits.
Yes, The VAR Guy is attending UbuntuLIVE in Portland, Oregon. He’s already noticed several Ubuntu Linux trends that could potentially benefit solutions providers and their customers. So, it’s the perfect opportunity for a big countdown: 50 things you need to know about Ubuntu.
As OSCON (Open Source Convention) gets set to start July 19 in Portland, Oregon, I'm reminded of an Ubuntu-centric conference that once showed great promise. The event, called Ubuntu Live, was co-located at OSCON in 2007. But it no longer exists. Here's why it's time for Canonical to revive Ubuntu Live for partners and customers.
I've already written two Pardus reviews -- 2007 Beta 2 and 2007.1. So it's time for a review of 2007.2 Caracal release. In this article I will focus on the key changes and my personal thoughts concerning this interesting distribution.
Back in 2007, Canonical launched Ubuntu Live - a one-time conference hosted in Portland, Ore. Since that time I've been looking for another Ubuntu-centric conference where I can meet key sources from across the Ubuntu ecosystem. Fast forward to September 2009, and I think there might finally be a conference that fulfills my Ubuntu educational needs.
It's called Atlanta Linux Fest.
I recently read the discussion on the GCC development mailing list related to GCC's transition to GPLv3. Despite generating 172 emails, the transition was quite smooth actually.