
The #1 item on my Top 10 List of Linux FUD Patterns concerns its learning curve. This pattern is probably the most prevalent and primarily appeals to fear by attempting to convince you that Linux is too hard for the average person to use or that it is simply not user friendly. There are many variations of this pattern, from the straight-forward “Linux is for geeks” assault to more mature, logical arguments, such as “if Linux can do everything the fill-in-the-blank OS can do, why bother with the hassle of switching?”.

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sharkswithlazers's picture
Created by sharkswithlazers 16 years 36 weeks ago
Category: Community   Tags:
aboutblank's picture


16 years 36 weeks 4 days 23 hours ago


People are clueless

People are clueless about the nature of computer programs and the system of computer programs that work together. Any complex system requires training; there aren't many systems that require no training.

If people want a software system that works as they intend, they should commission a professional to develop a system to do this. With free software, the user can demand such a system.

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