I began searching online for solutions to my various minor difficulties. And I was amazed at what I found. In every case, others had had similar problems, and in every case people had offered helpful suggestions as to how to fix them. It was a wonderful vindication of the entire open source way, of people helping each other by passing on their personal discoveries.
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16 years 18 weeks 23 hours 14 min ago
Support and Community
The author makes the suggestion that there is more that the free software community can do with their websites so that we can better help users with problems (implement good semantic web support). I agree that this is a worthwhile initiative.
While I agree with many parts of the article there is one thing I'd like to point out about free software: you can always hire a professional consultant to help you. If the communities you know are unable to help you to your satisfaction, you will always have the option of professional consultants. There is no need to do all the hard work of researching all the things that you'd need or like to do; just hire a consultant that specialises in free software to do it for you.