I've been using Linux on the desktop for almost eleven years now. I enjoy it. I understand it. I'm not likely to ever leave it. I also know that I'm in a niche market. There were predictions that each year would be the "Year of Linux" and we all know where that led.
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15 years 48 weeks 3 days 5 hours ago
Ballmer doesn't agree
Fortunately, Ballmer doesn't agree. He wouldn't be spending so much time trying to exterminate GNU/Linux if he thought it was on its "last gasp" all along.
15 years 48 weeks 2 days 12 hours ago
Microsoft know they have desktop competition
If Microsoft believed that there was no competition on the desktop/laptop/netbook I doubt that they would be scrambling to release another "lighter" version of Windows. Also they've launched a new software dumping campaign for tech startups (use now, pay later), obviously intended to discourage people starting new businesses on a tight budget from using free (as in freedom) software.