AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
With a sliding market share, Netscape decided to focus on its enterprise oriented products and gave away the browser but most importantly allow volunteers to work on the product. Mozilla was nothing but Netscape’s user agent (the name a browser uses to contact the web server), a reminder of the first Netscape code name.
"Anyone remember this? ...«Netscape Communications Corporation (NASDAQ: NSCP) today announced bold plans to make the source code for the next generation of its highly popular Netscape Communicator client software available for free licensing on the Internet. The company plans to post the source code beginning with the first Netscape Communicator 5.0 developer release, expected by the end of the first quarter of 1998...»"
"...Given AOL's current business focus and the success the Mozilla Foundation has had in developing critically-acclaimed products, we feel it's the right time to end development of Netscape branded browsers, hand the reigns fully to Mozilla and encourage Netscape users to adopt Firefox..."
Mozilla is a term used in a number of ways in relation to the now-defunct Netscape Communications Corporation and its related application software, including the Mozilla.org group and its successor the Mozilla Foundation.
" It sounds impossible to me as well. But these really are the numbers from Mozilla, the open source project that started at Netscape, was morphed into a non-profit foundation, and most recently, the Mozilla Corporation – a taxable entity owned by the Mozilla Foundation.
"Now that AOL (TWX) has officially killed the already dead Netscape browser, here's what the company should do with the brand and portal that remain: Sell them to Mozilla/Firefox..."
There was a time when Netscape’s internet suite was pretty popular. The Mozilla Foundation, which was born out of Netscape, originally released the Mozilla Suite. Now renamed SeaMonkey, the internet suite has recently hit version 1.x…
One of the pivotal moments in the rise of free software was 22 January 1998, when the following statement appeared: "Netscape Communications Corporation today announced bold plans to make the source code for the next generation of its highly popular Netscape Communicator client software available for free licensing on the Internet..."...
One of the most interesting developments in recent years has been the rise of Mozilla. Not Mozilla the browser, aka Firefox, which has become a serious challenger to Internet Explorer: that's old hat. Less well known is the way that Mozilla the organisation has turned from a rather desperate and leaky lifeboat for the open-sourced Netscape Navigator code into a mighty battleship blasting hither and thither against outposts of proprietary software.