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I'm all for equal representation in FOSS communities, but this seems like a bit much. So a guy said "Who's the Man?", and a feminist labels this as sexist behavior? If someone had said "That's gay.", or "Get back in the kitchen.", I could see the case for there being offense taken, but no such thing has happened.
At this point, being politically correct becomes unwieldy. In a sense, you're always going to offend some group of people without even meaning to. That's just part of life.
14 years 23 weeks 6 days 9 hours ago
Like father, like son
No wonder Novell are descending into sexist behaviour with their crappy software. Check out this unsavoury effort from their parent company;
14 years 23 weeks 6 days 5 hours ago
Over the Top Feminism
I'm all for equal representation in FOSS communities, but this seems like a bit much. So a guy said "Who's the Man?", and a feminist labels this as sexist behavior? If someone had said "That's gay.", or "Get back in the kitchen.", I could see the case for there being offense taken, but no such thing has happened.
At this point, being politically correct becomes unwieldy. In a sense, you're always going to offend some group of people without even meaning to. That's just part of life.