AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
"Akinori MUSHA announced today that Ruby 1.8.7 has been released. The new version of Ruby includes many bug fixes, lots of feature enhancements backported from 1.9 and some performance improvements since 1.8.6 while maintaining stability and backward compatibility with the previous release to a high degree. See the bundled documentation for details about compatibility issues..."
"Ruby 1.9.1-p129 has been released. This is a patch level release for Ruby 1.9.1. This fixes many bugs and two security vulnerabilities. This release contains security fix so we recommend all 1.9.1 users to upgrade your ruby..."
After six months of development, the Rails developers released Ruby on Rails 2.3.6, but only a day later released version 2.3.7 after some bugs were found in code back ported from Rails 3
"...Later he found Lisp and it was the opposite of everything in Basic -- total freedom to do just about anything. And he loved it. That was, however, before he started using Lisp. When he started using Lisp in practice, he wasn't having a good time..."
CodeGear Monday began shipping a new integrated development environment (IDE) for Ruby on Rails that aims to ease the development of Web applications based on the Ruby programming language.
* Eric Schulte: « My impression is that it is difficult to get Matz's attention for emacs related queries, e.g. signing FSF papers. » --
* Phil Hagelberg: « Sad but true. I may be able to get him to sign the papers at RubyConf, but by then it will probably be too late for inclusion in Emacs 23. »