RMS's utopian advice runs counter to commercial logic and fails to advance the cause of software freedom.
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RMS's utopian advice runs counter to commercial logic and fails to advance the cause of software freedom.
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14 years 31 weeks 5 days 21 hours ago
the counter argument was already given by the FSF
The FSF answered to such argumentation already last year:
It's true that all software patents are a threat to developers—but that doesn't mean that all software patents are equally threatening. Different companies might have patents that could be used to attack other languages, but if we worried about every patent that could be used against us, we wouldn't get anything done. Microsoft's patents are much more dangerous: it's the only major software company that has declared itself the enemy of GNU/Linux and stated its intention to attack our community with patents. If Microsoft designed a patent trap into C#, that is no more than what it said it would do.
14 years 31 weeks 5 days 18 hours ago
Yes Realy
Quotation from the writer. "So I strongly recommend to focus on how patent holders actually use their rights. In that respect, I will comment on Microsoft in greater detail in some other posting, but I can already say at this stage that there simply isn't any evidence of Microsoft using patents in a way that would drive companies out of business or jeopardize the existence of FOSS projects."
And this http://www.linux-watch.com/news/NS9019483975.html plus other cases like Amazon count as what?
14 years 31 weeks 5 days 14 hours ago
Said it himself
"(Microsoft), which actually has a stronger commercial interest than any other in the world to make the .NET platform popular and to ensure developers succeed with the applications they build on top of it. And we all know how much competition there is between platform companies for the hearts and minds of developers."
This was exactly how M$ intended Free Software to work to make M$ a commercial success for free: we generously supply all the free apps that will run on top of the M$ stack.
Thanks, but no, thanks.