AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
"I saw that lispy wrote about this. I happened to spot the original speech by Richard Stallman on reddit. The title intrigued me: “My Lisp Experiences and the Development of Emacs”. I’ll go through some pieces of it, because there are some interesting stories in here..."
"...The Association of Lisp Users is pleased to announce the 2009 International Lisp Conference will be held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sunday through Wednesday, March 22-25, 2009.
"After years of sitting in storage, my deadbeat ex-housemate’s old Symbolics XL1200 Lisp Machine has found a new home: HackLabTO, located in Accordion City’s Kensington Market neighbourhood.
"... a Lisp-based window system through which several Lisp programs and ordinary Unix programs can share a screen. Both C and Lisp will be available as system programming languages [...] Who Am I? I am Richard Stallman, inventor of the original much-imitated EMACS editor, now at the Artificial Intelligence Lab at MIT..."
"The Association of Lisp Users (http://www.alu.org/alu/home) will be holding an International Lisp Conference in 2009 [...] I'd be interested in hearing any (serious) suggestions for what we should do at the conference. This is an opportunity for you to submit your suggestions very early, before we start real planning. In particular, do you have any suggestions for invited speakers? Who would you like to hear from? ...
"ERC is an IRC client written in Emacs Lisp. This makes ERC very easy to extend, customize and otherwise adapt to your personal style. A nice features of the standard ERC distribution is that you can extend the set of commands available on your IRC prompt by writing short Emacs Lisp functions. When you define a function called “erc-cmd-XXX” it instantly becomes available as an IRC command..."
"...This essay is meant to put off some common wishful thinking. As noted before, a major benefit of a emacs with Common Lisp or Scheme Lisp is that they provide a unified, packaged, system for development of these languages, and since it uses the same language to extend functionality of the editor, it will transparently increase the number of developers for the editor as well as the language..."
[PDF] Dan Murphy: «...TECO continued to be heavily used and enhanced by the hackers in Minsky’s AI lab, eventually including Richard Stallman.In the early to mid-1970s, Stallman would make some key enhancements to TECO that allowed it to become a fully interactive, WYSIWYG-style onscreen editor [...] This became the origina