AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
The latest issue of the Mandriva newsletter is a round-up of events in the world of Mandriva since the last issue came out last year - new releases, major changes to the website, rearrangement of the Club, and more.
Welcome to the November edition of the Foresight Linux Newsletter. With the recent release of the first alpha of Foresight Linux 2, this month's newsletter will take a detailed look at the release, including changes from the 1.x releases, how to test both the GNOME edition and new KDE edition, and the next alpha of Foresight Linux 2.
Babya today announced that it has become an official member of the OpenDocument Format Alliance. Babya is an award-winning developer of digital media software for Mac and Windows, including Babya bSuite, bPicture, Babya Firestorm, Babya Photo Workshop and Babya Logic.
Fourteen new companies including Sony Ericsson have joined the Open Handset Alliance, the group backing Google's Android mobile operating system. The total number of companies in the alliance now totals 47.
A landmark event occurred today when the Open Source Channel Alliance launched. Although far from perfect, the alliance shows that Linux and open source applications are gaining momentum with mid-market resellers and solutions providers. The problem: Red Hat is a driving force in the alliance, and Canonical isn't involved.