AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
As we get closer to releasing Shiretoko (Firefox 3.5) we are considering that this might be a good time to update and evolve the Firefox application icon.
I realize it’s a touchy subject, but some of us prefer unmodified Firefox — including the standard Firefox icon — to Debian’s Iceweasel alternative. Here’s a three-step way to substitute Firefox for Iceweasel on a fresh Lenny install.
The pace at which Mozilla works can seem insane. It was less than a month ago when the the company released Firefox 3.5. Only three weeks later, Firefox posted screenshots of Firefox 3.7, which includes a change to the Tools bar and an Embracing Glass design.
But the ambition doesn’t end there. The Firefox team is looking even farther in the future: all the way to Firefox 4.0.
Firefox 3.5 was released just a couple of hours ago and it comes with great new features and a new version of Gecko, the rendering engine. Firefox is currently the most popular browser on the Linux platform and the top choice on Windows after Internet Explorer (although there are statistics showing it beats IE in terms of popularity in some countries).
We introduced to you guys probably the best combination of gtk theme and icon set for Ubuntu/Gnome[Equinox gtk theme + Faenza icon theme]. Now take a look at Awoken icon theme. I won't say it is better than Faenza icon theme, but it is almost as good.
The New York Times ad…Firefox Flicks…the Firefox crop circle…Operation Firefox…you name it! The Firefox community is always up to some cool, collaborative way to declare their passion for Firefox. What better way to do this than band together to set a Guinness World Record for the most software downloaded in 24 hours?!
In ubuntu 10.10 you can quite easily set your Desktop prefrences to "show home icon, trash icon, mounted volumes and computer icon in your ubuntu 10.10 desktop".
Since our list of cool icon sets for Ubuntu/GNOME desktop was pretty much in demand, I decided to give you some more. This time, we have collected some of the finest and freshest icon sets that will surely enhance the look of your Linux desktop.So get ready and take your pick from these awesome icon sets for Ubuntu, and of course for other GNOME-based distros...
Since releasing an experimental new tab page for Firefox a week ago, we’ve got a lot of great feedback. For the past week we’ve been using the feedback as a springboard for designing the next iteration.