
Well, well, well… That’s what ‘partners’ are for. Just shortly after Microsoft had betrayed Novell, Microsoft decided to move on to Linspire.

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C733tus's picture
Created by C733tus 17 years 12 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 12 weeks ago
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pogson's picture


17 years 12 weeks 5 hours 44 min ago


One can make an argument that M$

One can make an argument that M$ inductees in the Hall of Dishonour were barred under parts 6 & 7 of the GPLv2 just on the patent FUD. GPLv3 is stronger. The victims have no choice but to renounce the union or get out of distribution of Linux. A long shot is that M$ will fund massive writing to replace all the GPLv3 stuff... Not likely.

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