The Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring range is now available in the office format which corresponds to your choice, KDE, GNOME or LXDE and all this in more than 70 languages. You will find following version: Free edition (100% open source software) in 2 DVDs for 32 and 64 architecture, One edition (installable live CD, available in KDE and GNOME versions). All Mandriva Linux isos are hybrid one. You can dump it on an USB key and use it as a live media or installation media.
Main major updates included are: KDE 4.2.2, GNOME 2.26, Xorg server 1.6, kernel 2.6.29, XFCE 4.6, Qt Creator 1, Tcl/Tk 8.6, syslinux 3.75.
You will find more information here:
2009 Spring tour
Release notes