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Building on the success of its first contest, the Linux Foundation has announced the launch of a second "We're Linux" video contest. The non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting Linux says that videos entered into the contest should demonstrate what Linux means to its users and should inspire others to try it.
Linux doesn't have much in the way of advertising. Now, the Linux Foundation is trying to change that with it's "We're Linux" Video Contest. So, here are my seven favorite picks in the contest.
As you may recall, the Linux Foundation last year ran a video contest that drew a lot of entries, many of which were not only entertaining, but had surprisingly high production values as well. Last year's invitation was to use the popular "I'm a Mac/I'm a PC" ad series as an inspiration, and you can see the winning videos here (all of last year's entries can be found here).
If you haven’t yet, catch some of these videos that were entered into the Linux Foundation’s competition. Despite how great some of these videos are, I do have a problem with the way ‘Linux’ the brand is used. This post won’t win me many friends, we’re all very invested in the current Linux brand. But I argue that has to change:
Mozilla Corp. today announced the winners of its third “Extend Firefox” contest, an annual competition that recognizes the year’s best Firefox add-ons.
This year’s contest, which launched in March and brought in more than 100 entries, focused on add-ons that took advantage of Mozilla’s newest open-source browser, Firefox 3.0.
Here are the results of the contest Mandriva launched one month ago. Thanks everybody for your interest and for contributing, we had almost 150 photos submitted.
n July of 2008, the Linux Foundation started the process for standardizing Linux with the Linux Standards Base 4.0 spec.This week, after a couple years of official availability the Linux Foundation is set to formally announce that all of the leading commercial Linux vendors have now certified to LSB 4.0.
The Linux Foundation recently announced the winner and runners up of the "We're Linux" video contest that it sponsored as a response to the well-known promotional campaigns by Microsoft and Apple. The selections are professional and inspiring, but I worry that their focus on "freedom" limits their effectiveness. Here's why.