Whether you attended this weekend’s Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) or another recent open source event, one trend is clear: Linux advocates certainly love their Apple MacBooks.
Full story »Whether you attended this weekend’s Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) or another recent open source event, one trend is clear: Linux advocates certainly love their Apple MacBooks.
Full story »
16 years 33 weeks 6 days 13 hours ago
Why “Open Source” misses the point of Free Software
This seems an illustration of the difference between open source and free software.
The story should be titled: "Why 'Open Source' misses the point of Free Software" :-)
RMS: "A pure open source enthusiast, one that is not at all influenced by the ideals of free software, will say, «I am surprised you were able to make the program work so well without using our development model, but you did. How can I get a copy?» This attitude will reward schemes that take away our freedom, leading to its loss.
The free software activist will say, «Your program is very attractive, but not at the price of my freedom. So I have to do without it. Instead I will support a project to develop a free replacement.» If we value our freedom, we can act to maintain and defend it."
-- http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html