
So, is open source anti-American?

Whitehurst admitted that open source advocates in the developing world benefit from an anti-American, and anti-Western bias where it exists.

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extra's picture
Created by extra 16 years 49 weeks ago
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bogdanbiv's picture


16 years 49 weeks 18 hours 5 min ago


With U.S., or against us

Free software gives equal chances to everyone to prove themselves. Puts non-us residents on an equal relationship with others.
It can stop the economic dominance of US over the other countries. If one can say that "being neutral" is "being against", then yes free software is anti US, anti-western countries.

kiba's picture


16 years 48 weeks 4 days 10 hours ago


Why would there be

Why would there be "anti-US"? The free software movement begun in the US, at one of the best US institution we ever have, the US University system. You know, the institution that foreigners come in drove for to apply for a PhD.

How can it be anti-western?
*Copyright creates monopolies. Copyleft creates private properties.

*"Monopoly corrupts. Absolute monopoly corrupts absolutely"-- http://againstmonopoly.org

aboutblank's picture


16 years 48 weeks 2 days 18 hours ago


The article says open source

The article says open source is anti-american as open source developers "use it as a way to avoid intellectual property taxes". Intellectual property can be argued to be an American (a western country) invention and so, it can be argued that open source goes against this set of ideals.

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