AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
The GNOME flavor of PCLinuxOS 2010.7 is powered by GNOME 2.30.2 which brings ease of use and stability to PCLinuxOS. Many popular and up-to-date application appear in PCLinuxOS 2010.07 GNOME including...
GNOME 2.30 was originally intended to coincide with GNOME 3.0 -- a massive cleanup and rethinking of the popular desktop. However, GNOME 3.0 is delayed for at least another release, which leaves GNOME 2.30 as most likely the last version in a series stretching back almost a decade.
GnomeBaker is a Gnome CD/DVD burning application.GnomeBaker is a GTK2/Gnome CD/DVD burning application. I’ve been writing it in my spare time so progress is fairly slow. It’s more of a personal project as I wanted to have a go at developing on Linux and I figured that as I had got this far I may as well let it loose on the world. Maybe someone will like it and use it.
The release of GNOME 3.0, the popular desktop's first major release in eight years, promises to be the major free software event in autumn 2010. Where is GNOME now? What can we expect of GNOME 3.0? Of GNOME 3 as a series of releases?
GNOME Do is a popular application that started off as inspired by gnome-launchbox and the “open version” of Quicksilver. However, over the last year the project has branched out in its own innovative ways.
It's been a rough road, but it seems as if KDE 4.1 is showing signs of the vision becoming a reality. And it now seems as if several people within the GNOME community are seeing the writing on the wall too: GNOME 2.x has reached its goal - now what?
Using dark themes in Gnome has always has some issues. Due to issues in Gnome and GTK apps, some application have problems like dark fonts on dark background, text areas grayed out, and multiple issues with OpenOffice. Here is a quick guide to solve many of the problems I encountered using dark themes in Gnome.
Gnome is pretty cool. It’s simple and solid. Unfortunately a default Gnome desktop is not very appealing to the eyes. We all come to the point where we wonder, “Can I make my Gnome desktop look super l33t?”
GNOME enthusiasts have a couple of good options when it comes to searching, launching, and otherwise manipulating and accessing files, applications, and information right from the desktop: GNOME-Do, and the GNOME Deskbar applet.