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16 years 1 week 12 hours 49 min ago
No anarchists!
"Passionate doesn't come anywhere near describing them. Freaky would be closer......They are anarchists."
Thus we are described by this very obvious M$-troll.
Anarchy \An"arch*y\, n. [Gr. ?: cf. F. anarchie. See Anarch.]
1. Absence of government; the state of society where there is no law or supreme power; a state of lawlessness; political confusion.
[1913 Webster]
Wrong, Mister Troll, this term doesn't describe us at all.
But it does describe your beloved Microsoft Corporation, to a tee.
M$ has consistently demonstrated that it has no respect for any law written anywhere in the world.
They cheat, lie, steal, bribe, and slander in order to attain their devious ends of absolute world monopoly.
They have recently rampaged around the world smashing the integrity of all the standards bodies in support of their vapourware OOXML "standard" and breaking as many local laws as they see fit.
They are currently attempting to subvert local anti-software patenting laws where ever they find them.
They have attempted to destroy the OLPC project, that aims to provide laptops to little kids from the poorest nations in the world.
They have tainted once-respected software companies, like Novell, with the abominable stench of their corruption.
This is what anarchy looks like and M$ = pure anarchy.
Go home. Go home Mister Troll and play with your Vista, if you can get it to boot up.
16 years 4 days 21 hours 36 min ago
Proud to be an Anarchist
Anarchist is a label is something to be proud of, not something to diss. It is like the term hacker, where the term is used to implies crackers.
Same thing for anarchists. It is often used to implies radical terrorists. But if you learn anything about the anarchist tradition, you realize that most of us are opposed to violence.
I run the Libregamewiki free gaming encyclopedia.
"Liberty is not the daughter but the mother of order." -- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, the first anarchist