This tutorial will guide you step-by-step through installing IE 5, 5.5 and/or 6 in Ubuntu - using the terrific software IEs4Linux. IEs4Linux was developed for web designers that want to move to Linux but still need to test their sites on IE and Linux users who have to open IE-only sites.
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17 years 35 weeks 6 days 14 hours ago
Please remove this article. It
Please remove this article. It is inappropriate for this site since it teaches users how to install freedom-restricting bits onto their computers.
17 years 35 weeks 6 days 13 hours ago
it seems you don't read the texts:
it seems you don't read the texts: read it now "IEs4Linux was developed for web designers that want to move to Linux but still need to test their sites on IE and Linux users who have to open IE-only sites."
And now count until 10 before saying or doing nothing.
17 years 35 weeks 6 days 13 hours ago
Please stop with the justifications.
Please stop with the justifications. It is inexcusable to promote the installation and usage of ANY freedom-restricting wares. Please remove this garbage and refrain from posting anything like it in the future.
Thank you,
Adam Kosmin
17 years 35 weeks 6 days 12 hours ago
Ok mr. I-m-right-and-you're-not.
Ok mr. I-m-right-and-you're-not. I will confess tomorrow morning and later I will pay my duty with the society washing my balls with very cold water while I say "I hate explorer" two or three hundred times :)
17 years 35 weeks 6 days 10 hours ago
So it is safe to assume that
So it is safe to assume that advocates the installation and usage of non-free software?
Adam Kosmin
17 years 35 weeks 6 days 9 hours ago
if it about firefox on windows
if it about firefox on windows it is realted to foss. if its about ie on linux it is related to foss. it has nothing todo with fsdaily staff. users chose content. users vote. users comment. you can bury if you dont like. coz thats wht coomunity sites is about.
17 years 35 weeks 5 days 16 hours ago
"if its about ie on linux it is
"if its about ie on linux it is related to foss."
IE = freedom-restricting
Linux = a free software kernel
So what you're saying is: Advocating the installation and usage of freedom-restricting bits is ok with you just because it is done ontop of a free kernel?
One of us is clearly confused about the agenda of the free software movement.
17 years 35 weeks 5 days 14 hours ago
one of us is confused. and its
one of us is confused. and its you. you think this website is only for promotion the fsf agenda. merc said it isnt. it is his site. this site is about foss news. using any app on foss is foss news. using any foss app on windows is foss news. it is you who is confusde.