
Reading the recent discussions about GNOME's position in the GNU Project, I'm reminded of Utah Phillip's comment that "a long memory is the most radical notion in history." The way that the discussion has been reported in the media, you would hardly guess that the discussion is the latest round in an ongoing and disquieting dispute -- largely because the origins of the dispute were never widely reported. The current discussion began on the GNOME Foundation mailing list, when Richard Stallman, president and founder of the Free Software Foundation, suggested that Planet GNOME, (http://planet.gnome.org/) the conglomeration of GNOME developers' blogs, should exclude all references to proprietary software.

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Created by TMNGoat 15 years 11 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 10 weeks ago
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15 years 10 weeks 6 days 23 hours ago


Gordian knot

Let's cut straight through the Gordian Knot of this dispute, and simply say that, "all roads lead to M$".

Directly underlying this dispute is the festering sore of "Microsoft Miguel's" Mono.

Always, lurking closely behind Miguel's antics, is the dark figure of Ballmer.

Who gains from a proprietary-based dispute in the heart of Free Software?

It certainly ain't Free Software.

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