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By now you would know that the next Fedora release, Fedora 13, will be named "Goddard", after the famous Rocket scientist Robert H Goddard. After deciding on the name, fedora contributors have started working on the designs, themes and other artwork for the next release.
Fedora is a Linux-based operating system that brings the latest in free and open source software to your desktop, laptop and server, and gives you access to thousands of different open source applications. Fedora 13 (Goddard) is filled with improvements that make Linux better than ever for all types of users.
The Fedora project released a beta version of Fedora 13 (codenamed "Goddard"). The updated community Linux distribution is touted for features including automatic print-driver installation, the Btrfs filesystem, enhanced 3D driver support, revamped Python bindings, and the Zarafa groupware package, says the project.
Automatic driver installations, better mobile broadband and the end of PowerPC support can be expected from Fedora 13. Fedora Linux, the community release of Red Hat, is putting the final touches to its latest release, Fedora 13. Codenamed "Goddard", Fedora 13 has a number of features that will please end users as well as systems administrators.
Fedora 13 is on the way and while it innovates in its own right, it also borrows some major features from other distros such as Ubuntu and Mandriva. This is looking to be yet another great release from the Fedora community!
I’ve been a Fedora fan for years now and have used it at home long before I joined Red Hat. I look forward to May and October to see what’s the new bleeding edge, and I continue to be impressed by the innovation the Fedora community delivers.
The next release of the Red Hat sponsored Fedora Linux distribution is going to be Fedora 13, which is due out in 2010 and already promises many new features like Btrfs file-system rollbacks and NFSv4.
When Fedora 13, Goddard, is released on May 25, it's not going to be your usual Fedora Linux release. In the past, Fedora has been seen as a great Linux distribution for Linux experts.