AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
I know some people are really, really, really, up in arms about the new left window buttons in Lucid Lynx, but I like the change, and the new plan for windicators on the the right. The problem I have is that there are very few new themes you can change to and still preserve the buttons on the left.
Recently I put together two themes for GTK2 and Metacity. Most of the work on these themes was done by other people, I simply tweaked some colors and settings. Other people have shown interest in these themes so I package them and am making them available to anyone who wants them.
"I'm serious. The upcoming GNOME 3 release will be making some controversial changes, such as removing the Window List from the panel making for a more "task-based environment" as they say, they're also removing the Minimize and Maximize window control buttons and Desktop icons (at least at the moment that's what it seems like.)"
As Canonical polishes Ubuntu to potentially support Google Android and Moblin v2, I'm both impressed and concerned. On the one hand, Canonical continues to change with the times - and in some cases, stay ahead of the times. On the other hand, Canonical runs the risk of repeating some major software mistakes IBM made in the 1990s. Here's why.
"Yesterday, Portugal celebrated the so called Carnation Revolution. Since then, this day has often been called the “Freedom day”, because during the revolution, the Portuguese regime went from an authoritarian dictatorship to a democracy. Thirty four years have passed since Portuguese fought for their freedom, as in many other societies freedom is now taken for granted.
To be honest, I never really liked Human, Ubuntu’s default theme, and seems that many other people don’t. Happilly, on GNU/Linux systems it is easy to customize everything, even the buttons aspect or the windows borders. Here’s a list of 30 Gnome themes of all styles, from the Windows XP look-a-like to the very original skin, to enhance your Ubuntu experience.
We've spotted some new screenshots in the "wild" with the new Ubuntu 10.04 themes having the window controls on the right corner so it seems the buttons will be on the right after all. But what's more puzzling is a screenshot from the new Ubuntu website mockups which features the Global Menu. Even more Apple?
"... «I ask you to please always call it Free Software because that way you will encourage other people to pay attention to the question of freedom. The term Open Source was formulated by people who did not want to talk about freedom and that is the stupidest thing any people can do.