
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) announced today that it has published an initial set of criteria for endorsing computers and other devices. The FSF seeks both to obtain feedback on the criteria, and raise interest in the program among hardware manufacturers. Ultimately, the FSF plans to promote an endorsement mark to be carried on products that meet the criteria: respects your freedom.

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JRepin's picture
Created by JRepin 14 years 20 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 20 weeks ago
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TDTwister's picture


14 years 20 weeks 4 days 14 hours ago


What took them so long.

What took them so long. Next step is to issue a list of hardware vendors that are free software friendly instead of just a list of supported hardware. Don't get me wrong knowing what hardware can be supported by free software is good. But if you are going to purchase a new machine better give money to the manufacturer that supports free software.

lozz's picture


14 years 20 weeks 4 days 8 hours ago


DRM, too

Yes, you can't even buy a high-end mother-board now that doesn't boast about its HDCP support as if it was some sort of desirable feature.

We definitely need more of this. I won't buy Intel any more, because of their M$-style conduct. They go on like rats fighting for carrion down a sewer then want you to respect their product.

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