
I'm starting a collection of mirrored pieces that either A) truly shaped opinion about copyleft, free software, or linux or B) provide incredibly useful to helping new comers understand the community and philosophy behind the free culture and free software movements. So I'm asking you, what do you think are some of the most important pieces out there?

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devnull's picture
Created by devnull 15 years 21 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 20 weeks ago
Category: Community   Tags:
devnull's picture


15 years 21 weeks 4 hours 15 min ago


if anyone has any

if anyone has any suggestions please let me know in here, Anything classic by Linus, Stallman, Doctorow, a forum member that wrote an amazing post about the linux community, anything. I'm just looking for the most top notch essays, posts, blogs entries, wikipedia pages, etc that will really help the new user understand the history, philosophy and the community.


can.axis's picture


15 years 21 weeks 2 hours 32 min ago

devnull's picture


15 years 21 weeks 2 hours 2 min ago


Do you know if the rest of

Do you know if the rest of the transcript was ever completed regarding the Software Freedom Day speech?

can.axis's picture


15 years 21 weeks 1 hour 41 min ago


No, I don't, sorry

No, I don't, sorry... but this can help ...

bogdanbiv's picture


15 years 20 weeks 6 days 19 hours ago


Freedom is an enabler, not a feature

Shameless plug:

Normally, I don't promote myself, so considering I wrote this piece, I would not submit my own work, but the guy administering FreeSoftwareMagazine said this is good and that I have insight.

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