"... Open source is the term that was used in 1998 by people who liked our free software, but didn't like seeing as the ethical, political issues. They preferred to forget about the deeper aspects--the question of respecting the user's freedom--and focus only on the practical benefits that they got from having the freedom. [...] GNU is the name of the free software operating system that I began developing in 1984 [...] You hear many people mistakenly call whole system Linux. This is a mistake because Linux is actually just one part [...] Free software is [...] a fight against the globalisation of corporate power, and what we offer instead is the globalisation of cooperation and community..."
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16 years 33 weeks 22 hours 43 min ago
An Interview with Richard Stallman
N.B: "[The interview is dated and was done in 2005. Yet the contents are still relevant- Ed]" -- http://www.pragoti.org/