It seems although all the equipments were sold, computers with Linux just "...wasn't what our customers were looking for" said Melissa O'Brien, a spokeswoman from Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
This is really sad...
Full story »It seems although all the equipments were sold, computers with Linux just "...wasn't what our customers were looking for" said Melissa O'Brien, a spokeswoman from Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
This is really sad...
Full story »
16 years 51 weeks 3 days 7 hours ago
"Wal-Mart sold out the in-store gPC inventory but decided not to restock"
Is it just me, or is this suspicious. Why would a company not restock a high selling product? I wonder if they got a visit from Microsoft MIBs.
16 years 51 weeks 2 days 4 hours ago
One possible reason is that
One possible reason is that it was too much trouble for what it is worth. Since the laptop does not run the Windows environment, people may be asking more questions about it which takes up more staff time for a product that has a smaller profit margin. I don't know if my speculation is accurate to Wal-Mart's situation but yeah, it is a possibility.
16 years 51 weeks 2 days 7 hours ago
twist and spin
Leave it to the Associated Press to write it straightforward, while the others put whatever spin on it that they can. According to Ars Technica, Walmart 'shoved' them off store shelves, and the Washington Posts decided that they were 'yanked' from the shelves. Both of their articles go on to say how Walmart had completely sold out of them and decided not to restock them, yet their headlines paint a different picture to make it sound like the product was completely unsuccessful. Glad to see someone able to not mangle the story for once.