
I just read two really interesting articles (Giving proprietary vendors a run for their money & Could Linux become the dominant OS?).These articles and a discussion I had yesterday about budget constraints for the next calendar year makes me think that Open Source Software (OSS) is on the verge of becoming mainstream over the next few years.

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bluecheese's picture
Created by bluecheese 17 years 6 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 6 weeks ago
Category: Business   Tags:
pogson's picture


17 years 6 weeks 2 days 3 hours ago


TFA is more a commentary on poor

TFA is more a commentary on poor budgeting than acceptance of FLOSS. Many organizations spend 3% of cash flow per annum on IT and others spend 0.5%. IT is not that great a bargain. We should educate people to rational replacement schedules based on the capability of hardware, not the bloat of bloatware and think of using thin clients to extend the life of the PCs in our systems. Upgrading the servers every few years will keep such a system humming. Schools, for instance, can get twice the seats lasting twice as long for the same money with GNU/Linux than that other OS. I do not advocate cutting spending to match, however. Schools obviously benefit by having twice the seats in the system: a cluster in every classroom.

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