
Free software is a remarkable phenomenon. It is a highly evolved form of collaboration: compared to other creative endeavors, free software developers all over the world are able to work together on a project with surprisingly little friction.

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switchpin's picture
Created by switchpin 15 years 51 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 51 weeks ago
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can.axis's picture


15 years 51 weeks 21 hours 36 min ago



« It is a mistake to describe our community (or any community) as an “ecosystem”, because that word implies the absence of (1) intension and (2) ethics. In an ecosystem, species evolve according to their fitness. If something is weak, it goes extinct, and that's neither right nor wrong. The term “ecosystem” implicitly suggests a passive attitude: “Don't ask how things should be, just watch what happens to them”.

By contrast, beings that have ethical responsibility can decide to preserve something that, on its own, would tend to vanish—such as civil society, democracy, human rights, peace, public health, … or computer users' freedom. » -- source: Some Confusing or Loaded Words and Phrases that are Worth Avoiding (FSF)

aboutblank's picture


15 years 50 weeks 6 days 16 hours ago


Some of us free software

Some of us free software activists support the development of free software for political reasons and not just for altruism.

A major problem is the rest of the world (people that are not free software activists) is seduced into using proprietary software. We support the development of free software in order to reduce the attractiveness of proprietary software. Another problem is that users have no idea about our plight, our endeavor to escape from the rule of software proprietors. We write useful and convenient free software and attach the message of freedom to it so that all the interested people will know.

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