
The company received what they call an "unsolicited proposal from Elliott Associates, L.P. to acquire the Company for $5.75 per share in cash," which values the company at just under $2 billion.

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waterbag's picture
Created by waterbag 15 years 3 days ago
Category: Business   Tags:
lozz's picture


15 years 3 days 5 hours 44 sec ago


Novell to go private?

Novell should go straight to hell! They sold out the Free Software Community for a few pieces of silver from M$ and now they're paying the price for being traitors.

Ballmer doesn't want them, because they've served their purpose and passed their use-by date.

Most of the Free Software Community detests them, because of their betrayal and want nothing further to do with them.

Even their own customers seem to have caught their bad vibes and deserted them.

Congratulations, Hovesepian, you can now join Darl McBride as yet another foolish CEO who wrecked their company by listening to Ballmer's snake-oil sales pitch!

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