
A UK company says its switch from Linux to Windows will save it £1 million (almost $A2.3 million). How does that work?

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Created by Jimbob 15 years 43 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 43 weeks ago
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15 years 43 weeks 14 hours 55 min ago


Ad saves M$ millions

Seeing M$ budgeted $300 million to get has-been TV actors to praise their dodgy products, slinging Speedy Hire a few million bucks worth of heavily discounted software, in order to produce this M$-authored ad, must seem like the bargain of the century.

The scepticism shown by itwire, regarding Microsoft's witless claims, makes the whole bunch of balony read like a satire.

Keep up the good work, M$, we're not laughing with you, we're all laughing at you.

(Ha ha)Remind your advertising department not to give up their day-job, just yet.

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