AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
Lerdorf announced his departure via the popular Web2.0rhea service Twitter. "Feels a bit odd to be unemployed. Probably crazy to leave the best job I have ever had," he wrote, "but after 7+ years it was time for something new." Twitter is also where Lerdorf voiced his opinion of Yahoo!'s search pact with Microsoft back in July. "As lame as I feared," he said. "Time to find a new job." Yahoo!
Rasmus Lerdorf is undoubtedly the most famous Greenlandic geek alive. Having created PHP as a bunch of hackish scripts to support his website in 1995, he turned it into a powerful, fully fledged language that's now used by millions around the world.
South African payment gateway service, MyGate, have developed a service that allows e-commerce merchants running Linux to access credit card security services that were developed for Windows platforms.
Asterisk is the world's leading open-source PBX, telephony engine, and telephony applications toolkit with immense flexibility. 'Asterisk Gateway Interface 1.4 and 1.6 Programming' book by 'Nir Simionovich' will give you a firm understanding of Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI) development and proper AGI development practices.
The ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (SIGPLAN) presents its first-ever Programming Languages Software Award to Chris Lattner of Apple Inc. for his design and development of the Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM), a compiler infrastructure that has been quickly adopted by a wide array of industry and academic organizations.
Linux isn't short of a few integrated development environments, but if your chosen development arena happens to be Qt, and/or KDE, the only viable option for the last eleven years has been KDevelop. There's a new version of KDevelop on the horizon, but Nokia has beaten them to the punch with Qt Creator.
Here I will show how to start php programming. Lot of my friends like php, but there is a starting trouble. This will help you to write your first php program.You need to install LAMP (Linux Apache, Mysql, PHP )Server.