
IBM has officially launched the commercial version of its Lotus Symphony suite of productivity applications, and looks set amount a challenge to Microsoft Office in its enterprise heartland.

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lozz's picture
Created by lozz 16 years 16 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 16 weeks ago
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aboutblank's picture


16 years 16 weeks 5 days 8 hours ago


Lotus Symphony is

Lotus Symphony is proprietary software. It's nice that Symphony implements ODF support but ODF support does not improve the ethical standing of anything. User subjugating software is still user subjugating.

schestowitz's picture


16 years 16 weeks 5 days 7 hours ago


Learn from Eclipse roadmap

It is also based on an old version on OOo. Still, better Lotus Symphony than MSO. Standards are a good start.

aboutblank's picture


16 years 16 weeks 4 days 19 hours ago


All Proprietary Software Is User Subjugating

Lotus Symphony is no better than MS Office; they are both equally non-ethical. The fact that Symphony is based upon an old revision of OO.o is irrelevant. Right now, Symphony is non-free to any user.

Whenever a user accepts a proprietary program, they have chosen to give up their freedom in exchange for limited rights to use that program; the freedom that once belonged to user is now under the control of the software proprietor.

The reason why MS is in possession of the power it currently wields is because **the people of the world have given MS power over their lives**. It is futile to tell people to reject one master (Microsoft) in exchange for a different master (IBM); the people will remain subject to a master. It would be much better if there were no masters at all; you can escape the subjugation of software proprietors whenever you exchange proprietary software with free software.

schestowitz's picture


16 years 16 weeks 4 days 15 hours ago


Escape barriers

Good point, I stand corrected.

Standards only lower the escape barrier.

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