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Following last week's Ubuntu 10.10 Alpha 3 release but landing before the Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat" feature freeze this week were a number of last-minute features like X Server 1.9 integration and other updated packages along with the committing of the revamped Ubuntu desktop installer to Maverick.
What's new in Ubuntu 9.04 Beta? Well, a lot! First of all, the developers improved the boot process even further and now Ubuntu 9.04 Beta (with the EXT4 filesystem) will boot in under 20 seconds on a high-end machine!
GDM or GNOME Display Manager will easily allow anyone to fully customize the login screen theme without having to use the command line.There are tons of ready-made, user-submitted GDM themes available that we can just download and effortlessly install.
I was searching the web for a way that i could change the default boot-up screen of Ubuntu, because lets face it Ubuntu’s boot up screen isn’t the most pretty thing. I came across an application called Start-up manager, which not only allows me to change my boot-up screen but allows me to do a ton of other things.
he Ubuntu design team have published mock-ups of the proposed Ubuntu 9.10 Boot and GDM screens.
In a post on the Ubuntu-art mailing list, Mat Tomaszewski revealed the proposed designs, and confirmed the plan for Ubuntu to use a new boot-screen manager, replacing Usplash with Xsplash.
After the new themes introduced yesterday, Canonical decided to update the boot splash screen (USplash) theme with a very nice one. As you can see in the image below, the logo is the same as it was in Ubuntu 8.10, but it's smaller and the loading bar was replaced with a thinner and nicer one (see the images below for more details).
GNU Graphics Grub is the new Grub boot screen which adds to Visual appeal of Boot Screen .. Unlike older grub GFX Grub has now much better themes and customization options.. So lets take a quick look at How To Install GFX GrubBoot Menu..
What's new in Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 6? Well... first of all, there is no more Usplash (the boot splash screen). So it appears the the team has successfully managed to fulfill their initial plans for making a faster startup where a boot screen is no longer necessary.