AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
Can you save money by moving your business to GNU/Linux? The short answer is that you can. However, the long answer is that how much you save — or if you save at all — depends upon your resources and choices.
Those of you who have been following my Linux Critic blog know that I’ve been on an app-hunt to replace some of the applications to which I’ve grown used to in KDE, mostly so that I can break my ties with that desktop and move forward completely without it.
"A lot of enterprises have moved to Linux because they're moving off Unix and they find Linux lets them maintain their skills but move to lower-cost hardware -- x86 boxes instead of Sun or HP Unix boxes," said open source expert Bernard Golden, CEO of Navica. "HP's philosophy is, 'if you're going to move off Unix boxes, why don't you stay in the family and move to an HP Linux box?'"
"Programming languages are like sharks. When they stop moving forward, they die. Scheme has never stopped moving — not completely. It's been more of a moving target than a fixed language. Scheme is a 'dynamic language' in more ways than one. The purpose of this article is to explain the position of the Scheme Language Steering Committee: ..."
The egalitarianism of Richard Stallman, the practicality of Eric Raymond, the engineering values of Linus Torvalds. So, too, the stories of Vint Cerf, of Tim Berners-Lee, and of early peering arrangements, in which moving money became secondary to moving bits.
It has been awhile since anyone has posted any updates about e17 (myself included). The enlightenment project is still moving along at good speed. The window manager for enlightenment - simply called e - is stable. I have been using it constantly since 2004 as my X desktop on both Linux and FreeBSD without any issues.