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15 years 15 weeks 2 days 17 hours ago
Free Software - not "communist"
Read Antony Sutton, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution*, to see where "communism" really came from.
One of the biggest lies M$ perpetrated against Free Software, was to suggest that it could be equated with "communism".
In reality, M$ itself, is far closer to the "communist" monopoly ideal, craved by the international financiers, than Free Software could ever be.
Free Software represents Freedom and healthy competition.
Microsoft represents monopoly enslavement, selling shoddy, 3rd-rate goods at fabulous prices to a brainwashed population.
Call them "communist", not us.
*A.S., "Wall Street" series, available free online at Scribd, and many other places. Search: "download A.S.****".