AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
"Following the previously-announced schedule, today the Django team has released Django 1.0.1. This is a bugfix-only release containing fixes and improvements to the Django 1.0 codebase, and is a recommended upgrade for anyone using or targeting Django 1.0..."
I've always wanted to know how to create command line options for my Bash scripts. After some research I found there are two functions available to handle this; getopt and getopts. I'm not going to get into the debate about which one is better. getopts is a shell builtin and seems a little easier to implement than getopt, so I'll go with that for now.
When you familiarise yourself with the interface with a little help from our article, you'll see that daily tasks like copying or deleting files are executed much faster in CLI than when done graphically and when you dig even deeper into the command line, it'll show you it's true power with scripts and the like.
There's nothing quite like command-line tools for handling large batches of tasks, and image manipulations are no exception. Web developers and administrators will appreciate the ability to handle large numbers of files easily, either at the command line or in scripts.
I’ve recently started learning Django for doing web development, so as part of that, I needed to also learn how to set up Django within mod_python so I could deploy my new Django applications on my server.
"Jacob Kaplan-Moss, one of Django's lead developers, will give a whirlwind tour of advanced Django tips and tricks. The focus will be on the techniques you'll need to develop mature Django applications. We'll discuss the kinds of issues that arise as applications increase in scope and scale, and look at common problems in large Django projects and how to solve them..."
I am personally a strong advocate of using the Command Line. However, I am coming from a more tech type of situation than some others do. For the 'average" user however, is the Command Line relevant to everyday use?
I started learning computers back when DOS was all that was available to me, so I was comfortable with the command line. When Windows 95 was released my command line usage dropped considerably because there simply wasn't the "need" for it that there once was. I've gone from using the command line all the time to using it very seldom because GUI's were getting better and becoming more wide spread.
Today’s “Newbie Tip” is learning some basics about the “Command Line Interface” or as it’s mostly referred to, “Command Line”. The command line gives the user the ability to interact with the operating system by typing via a text terminal.