AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
Every Unix system offers several useful commands for finding files and searching them for strings. Together with programming techniques such as streams, pipes, redirections, and regular expressions they comprise very powerful tools ideal for administrative tasks.
There are still some dangling legal strings that need to be trimmed, and those won't happen for at least a few weeks -- barring any more appeals, of course, by the Lindon, Utah-based SCO Group. One of them involves counterclaims by IBM and Red Hat.
Vimscript provides excellent support for operating on collections of data, a cornerstone of programming. In this third article in the series, learn how to use Vimscript's built-in lists to ease everyday operations such as reformatting lists, filtering sequences of filenames, and sorting sets of line numbers.
upimage.us : image hosting5mb maximum image and Fast Image upload.make gallery for your image. unlimit space. Share your albums over the Internet. Create private or public photo albums to store images and share them with family and friends. Unique, easy to use and flexible.
I've been hesitant to plunder the talented depths of this Ubuntu Artwork pool on Flickr; pullling out some of the more 'spiffing' examples and presenting them here as I'm not too fond of pointless lists that come hand in hand with a meaningless adjective - "10 cool wallpapers", "10 awesome wallpapers", etc.
15 Cool and Unique Linux Desktop Workspaces (Workstations): I've seen plenty of excellent computer workspace or workstation setup lists on the web but I have never seen a collection of workspaces that is exclusively related to Linux. Because of this, I decided to gather several photos of some of the coolest and unique Linux desktop workstations so that I can share them to all of you.