AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
Over the years I've come across some useful tricks in PHP that are not obvious, but are worth mentioning. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list of all the useful tricks that you can do with PHP.
Kick-start your week with four easy (but still cool) tricks on your Linux desktop. Install the media server you've always wanted but never got around to doing, or fine-tune your hardware to squeeze out a few more hours of battery power ... All this an more in this week's How To Roundup. Oh, and send us your favourite Linux tricks.
In this article, I'm going to show you a number of simple, yet highly useful tricks that will make your scripting life easier. True, this article may appeal to the more geeky segment of my readers, but there's no reason to stop reading.
It’s Friday and that means we’re all ready for the weekend. But that also means we’re ready for some fun. Because of that I thought it would be fitting to do an article on some of the cooler Linux tips and tricks that I have come across over the years.
"Hi guys and girls, this is the first guest post on my blog. It’s written by Waldner from #awk on FreeNode IRC Network. He works as a sysadmin and does shell scripting as a hobby. Waldner will be happy to take any questions about the article. You can ask them in the comments of this post or on IRC. This article takes a look at ten tips, tricks and pitfalls in Awk programming language.
1. Play youtube videos directly in Totem Movie Player (Hardy):
2. Another tip: i recently find out that by holding the mouse over audio files:
3. To customize most of the colors of your ubuntu:
4. To refresh the gnome panel:
5. To find out the UUID of your partitions:
I'll create a series (don't even know the number of items in the series) where I share with my loyal readers (in mathematical terms, that's an empty set) some handy tricks I've found when working with bash. Probably some of the tricks won't be the most efficient way to carry something out... but I can attest that, at the very least, they do work.