AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
The linux terminal can get boring at times owing to lack of colors & a rigid black background. Hardcore Linux enthusiasts won’t think about the appearance of the terminal but normal users will surely get bored of the monochrome terminal sooner or later. Surprisingly beautifying the terminal is pretty simple.
GNU screen is a very neat tool that’s included in most Unix-like operating systems. It’s a utility that acts as a basic command line window manager, so you can maintain several open terminal sessions within one physical terminal.
The output of most GNU command line tools is normally sent to the terminal (ie – standard output). There are times when you would like to have the output saved as a file. Now, you could copy the text from the terminal and paste it into a text editor and save it, but there’s a better way...
In this article I will describe a very useful program: GNU Screen. Usually this program is used by people who have a shell account on a Unix server. But it can be also helpful to people who haven’t yet started to use a terminal or even Linux/Unix at all. Screen — simply — is a program which enables users to create more system shells without the need of logging in multiple times.
It took me ages to learn bash redirection properly, and I still have to concentrate sometimes to keep my &s and my >s straight. Here's the lowdown in case you, too, have intermittent brain failure on this one. Bash has three standard file descriptors: stdin, stdout and stderr, which refer respectively to input, output and error output.
This tutorial explain how to use screen and screen profiles in your ubuntu server.
Screen is a program that allows you to have multiple logins on one terminal. It is useful in situations where you are telnetted into a machine or connected via a dumb terminal and want more than just one login.
GNU Screen is a terminal multiplexer program that Linux folk have used for ages. It allows you to turn one terminal into many, and run processes even after logging out. In this article we will give a brief overview of screen usage for the uninitiated, then talk about how Ubuntu's defaults and new screen-profiles package have taught us about new and wonderful features of screen.