KDE Releases Calligra Suite 2.8


The Calligra team is proud and pleased to announce the release of version 2.8 of the Calligra Suite, Calligra Active and the Calligra Office Engine. Major new features in this release are comments support in Author and Words, improved Pivot tables in Sheets, improved stability and the ability to open hyperlinks in Kexi.

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JRepin's picture
Created by JRepin 10 years 29 weeks ago – Made popular 10 years 27 weeks ago
Category: End User   Tags:

A First - KDE and the Outreach Program for Women


The KDE Community participated in the Outreach Program for Women (OPW) for the first time this year. It was more successful than expected. KDE got many great applications and mentored 4 students contributing to Free Software. The Outreach Program for Women encourages women to get involved in free and open source software.

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JRepin's picture
Created by JRepin 10 years 42 weeks ago – Made popular 10 years 41 weeks ago
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Open Speech Initiative announced


Peter Grasch, under the KDE umbrella, is building up a team of developers and researchers looking to bring first class speech processing to the world of free software.

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JRepin's picture
Created by JRepin 10 years 50 weeks ago – Made popular 10 years 45 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

NVIDIA to partially open up their GPU specification


Yesterday NVIDIA announced that they are supporting Nouveau development by providing documentation on certain aspects of their GPUs. This is good for the Open Source community – but their competitors still provide much more.

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liquidat's picture
Created by liquidat 11 years 1 week ago – Made popular 11 years 1 week ago
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Has the NSA "poisoned the well" for responsible disclosure?


Revelations about the PRISM project involve US tech companies that have been compelled to provide special assistance to US intelligence agencies. Will secret arrangements between tech companies and US intelligence affect how independent security researchers disclose vulnerabilities?

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Superbowl H5N1's picture
Created by Superbowl H5N1 11 years 15 weeks ago – Made popular 11 years 15 weeks ago
Category: Philosophy   Tags:

WPA2 is vulnerable (hole196)


Do you think your wireless communications are secure? Think again. There is a vulnerability built into the WPA2 protocol itself! It's based on abusing the GTK (Group Temporal Key) and can be used to create man-in-the-middle and denial-of-service attacks. Too few people know this.

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spanky's picture
Created by spanky 11 years 15 weeks ago – Made popular 11 years 15 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

City of Munich: "Migration to sustainable desktop completed successfully"


Munich is now using a unified desktop system, Limux, its own distribution based on Ubuntu GNU/Linux on 14,000 of its total 15,000 desktops, spread over 51 offices across the city. That is 2,000 more than it's intended goal of using Limux on 80 % of its desktops.

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Superbowl H5N1's picture
Created by Superbowl H5N1 11 years 18 weeks ago – Made popular 11 years 18 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Using Solr With TYPO3 On Debian Wheezy


TYPO3's default search extension called "Indexed Search" is fine for small web sites, but if your web site is bigger (> 500 pages), it is getting very slow. Fortunately, you can replace it with a search extension that uses the ultra-fast Apache Solr search server. This tutorial explains how to use Apache Solr with TYPO3 on Debian Wheezy.

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falko's picture
Created by falko 11 years 19 weeks ago – Made popular 11 years 18 weeks ago
Category: End User   Tags:

Skype with care – Microsoft is reading everything you write


Anyone who uses Skype has consented to the company reading everything they write. The H's associates in Germany at heise Security have now discovered that the Microsoft subsidiary does in fact make use of this privilege in practice. Shortly after sending HTTPS URLs over the instant messaging service, those URLs receive an unannounced visit from Microsoft HQ in Redmond.

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liquidat's picture
Created by liquidat 11 years 20 weeks ago – Made popular 11 years 20 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:

FSF certifies ThinkPenguin USB Wifi adapter with Atheros chip to be free software friendly


The Free Software Foundation (FSF) today awarded Respects Your Freedom (RYF) certification to the TPE-N150USB Wireless N USB Adapter, sold by ThinkPenguin. The RYF certification mark means that the product meets the FSF's standards in regard to users' freedom, control over the product, and privacy. The TPE-N150USB can be purchased from http://www.thinkpenguin.com/TPE-N150USB.

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dpic's picture
Created by dpic 11 years 22 weeks ago – Made popular 11 years 21 weeks ago
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Switching govnerment desktops to FOSS saves a projected 5000€ per year


Cenatic, Spain's open source center, has published a model to help calculate cost savings that are possible by switching to free and open source software on desktop PCs. Switching a basic government desktop PC configuration to free and open source, for example, will save some 5000 euro per desktop per year, Cenatic's model shows.

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Superbowl H5N1's picture
Created by Superbowl H5N1 11 years 22 weeks ago – Made popular 11 years 22 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:

Don’t let the myths fool you: the W3C’s plan for DRM in HTML5 is a betrayal to all Web users.


The Free Culture Foundation has posted a thorough response to the most common and misinformed defenses of the W3C's Extended Media Extensions (EME) proposal to inject DRM into HTML5. The FCF counters the three most common myths by unpacking some quotes which explain that 1.) DRM is not about protecting copyright. That is a straw man.

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Created by dpic 11 years 22 weeks ago – Made popular 11 years 22 weeks ago
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A call to arms for obfuscated bridges


Fresh obfuscated Tor bridges are needed more than ever, since they are the only way for people to access Tor in some areas of the world (like China, Iran and Syria). But it is not the same as an exit node.

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Superbowl H5N1's picture
Created by Superbowl H5N1 11 years 23 weeks ago – Made popular 11 years 23 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:

ARM says its chips and GNU/Linux will sweep the industry


Vendors, according to ARM, are looking to standardize on one chip architecture and a single operating system such as GNU/Linux across their product lines. ARM claims it is the only one that scales from smartphones all the way up to servers.

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Superbowl H5N1's picture
Created by Superbowl H5N1 11 years 25 weeks ago – Made popular 11 years 25 weeks ago
Category: Industry   Tags:

GNU and Linux: It's Not Just About Attribution But Also Philosophy


What the argument over the names often boils down to is philosophy, not just attribution or credit. GNU was created with software freedom in mind. Linux, in its genesis, was proprietary until it adopted the GNU GPL licence and then became mainstream.

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JRepin's picture
Created by JRepin 11 years 25 weeks ago – Made popular 11 years 25 weeks ago
Category: Philosophy   Tags:

Read contents from Free Software Magazine

Anybody up to writing good directory software?

Tue, 2007-02-20 11:17 — David Jonathan

From the very start, directories have served a very useful purpose on the Internet. (One I find useful for example is Free Web Directory). News sites can also be considered directories: they index and categorize news stories! What about categorizing software? In the open source world you get Savannah, SourceForge, Freshmeat; there are still, believe it or not, shareware and freeware directories like FileBuzz, PCWin Download Center and Freeware Downloads (although you need to be careful, as they are not like their free-as-in-freedom counterparts).

Is better education the key to finding better software?

Sat, 2007-03-03 03:25 — Edward Russel

About Jonathon's article Anybody Up To Writing Good Directory Software?, it's clear that the topic of software directories is very hot. Most of what you find on Google, however, are not pointing to free and open soruce software -- or worse, they mix the two. Examples of such sites are Freeware Downloads and Shareware Download, which simply don't focus on "free as in freedom", and still can be used as good free software directories.

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