eBay Australia's "We'll help you stop the scammers" page and a flash game "Dunk the scammer" depict a scammer as a geek in a shirt bearing the tux penguin!
Full story »eBay Australia's "We'll help you stop the scammers" page and a flash game "Dunk the scammer" depict a scammer as a geek in a shirt bearing the tux penguin!
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16 years 51 weeks 2 days 10 hours ago
Please go here: http://contact.e [...]
Please go here:
and give eBay some feedback about this.
16 years 51 weeks 2 days 10 hours ago
"E-bay, How dare you use the Tux
"E-bay, How dare you use the Tux Penguin symbol in such a manner as to suggest that GNU/Linux users are spammers. This symbol appears on the shirt of the miscreant in your "Dunk the spammer" game, and the conclusion is obvious to anyone who plays it.
I have been a GNU/Linux user much longer than I have been an
e-bay customer and I can assure you of which way my loyalties will lay if this deeply offensive, discriminatory depiction is not rectified immediately.
FYI: GNU/Linux and associated Free Software are absolute world-leaders in producing anti-spam software. One of the reasons that we prefer Free Software is for the very reason that we are NOT inflicted by spam in the way that Microsoft users suffer.
This depiction of GNU/Linux is beneath contempt.
Laurie Langham"
16 years 51 weeks 2 days 5 hours ago
Great comment Laurie! I was inspired
Great comment Laurie! I was inspired by your phrasing and got in there and wrote my own comment. I'm looking forward to my response in "24-48 hours"... :-)
16 years 50 weeks 6 days 7 hours ago
The penguin is gone! eBay obviously
The penguin is gone! eBay obviously got your complaint lozz :)