
TeeWars was noticeably absent from the last edition of the Open Source Gamers Guide to Free Games: OSGGFG part 3: The Platformers. I apologize, it was an oversight on my part. To make up for it I am giving the game full review here.

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MrCopilot's picture
Created by MrCopilot 17 years 4 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 4 weeks ago
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aboutblank's picture


17 years 4 weeks 5 days 7 hours ago


Teewars is non-free

You should see the licensing terms - it prevents the user from sharing modifications to the game.

charlesgoodwin's picture


17 years 4 weeks 4 days 22 hours ago


Not Free Software

Teewars is open source but not Free Software. You are not permitted to redistribute the source. It is a poorly thought out strategy to prevent the game source from fragmenting. (Active development of Free Software is almost always a preventative measure for this.)

aboutblank's picture


17 years 4 weeks 4 days 20 hours ago


Not open source

Open source doesn't just mean access to the source code. The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the original software. http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition.php

MrCopilot's picture


17 years 4 weeks 4 days 21 hours ago


My mistake

I have notified the developer, and pointed him to ways to rectify it and will wait for his response before pulling it.

Simply, separating the license for artwork from the codes should accomplish his goals.


MrCopilot's picture


17 years 4 weeks 4 days 21 hours ago


New zlib License for 4.0

A new license is on its way. From the Developer


The license was chosen in a hurry and was very restrictive because we/I didn't have time to look through all options. We have a new license for 0.4.0 that is much much more liberal (think zlib/libpng). The reason why we don't want forks is because there should only need to be one version of teewars, and thats the good version.

That is Good.


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