It’s no secret that tech-savvy computer users typically become the go-to guy for all technical help in their circles. More specifically, Mom and Dad tend to always ask us for help with their computers. If you’re tired of the phone calls from Mom and Dad complaining on how sloooww their computer has become, how fast it used to be, how many pop-ups there are, etc., spending hours upon hours fixing and repairing, re-installing and scanning, then this post should convince you with 5 reasons why your parents should use Linux.
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17 years 22 weeks 5 days 10 hours ago
In a world where most computers
In a world where most computers are sold with no choice but windows, it is the Friend or Family Member ('FOFM') who is key to causing change at ground level. If a linux newcomer hits trouble then unless they are a determined newbie, then their friends will likely talk windows to them. This is where the (Linux) FOFMs are absolutely crucial.
17 years 21 weeks 1 day 17 hours ago
Alternatives to Windows products? [...]
Alternatives to Windows products? ->
Firefox -> Firefox